Wikia Search Project Is Online What Are Your Comments
This New Year the waiting has come to an end and that too in the beginning of this new year there is a great news by Wikipedia, the company launched there Open Source Search Engine on 7th of January 2008. This Search project news was from so many months but at last 7th was the day for its launching.
So, one more Search engine is ready to compete in the market and that to with a different algorithm. The Wikia is an human ranked search engine which is a mini-Wiki with its social network. The Wikia search engine will work on the basic techniques which will include search application, search algorithm and web crawler. Basically the the websites will be indexed, but, afterwards it will be the ranking factor which will control the fluctuations of top rankings. This is a new feature where the online searchers will rank a particular site which is indexed from top to down. This rating feature will decide the placement of a particular site order. All Search Engine Optimizer are having a close eye on the Wikia Search Algorithm. Wikia users or any searcher can write mini-articles relating any topic, edit add there comments over there.
One more interesting fact about Wikia search is that whenever the search is made it will automatically retrieves the users of relating that topic this will also make users to interact people of same interests and skills.
The Wikia Search has been launched but still it’s in a testing face. The ranking algorithm is very different from Google and Yahoo. The officials are ready to take it off to a sky high. Let’s see what will be the result of it after its trial face is over.
Wikia Search also includes Social Network. User can login and it also has the basic elements as profile, photo, friends and personal information like activities, interests and skills. Let’s hope for the best as according to me Wikia has a long way to go to get there.
Let us begin over there you can add me as a friend if you like.
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